Push-ups, jumping jacks, sit ups, words of encouragement and experience shared through wisdom.

Train harder in practice and the actual game becomes easier.

"The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel a rise in you to challenge yourself in practice beyond comfort and the promise of future accomplishments are then formed mentally.” – Gustave Flaubert 1842

There weren't a lot of parents present watching practice as normal...four boys away on training... three were unable to participate but present and one unavailable. The weather outside was bitterly cold reminded me of been in Chicago 1988.

To the best of my knowledge I have not written about a practice session therefore making this a first.

It began with the boys playing a basketball game where the concept was high press  and don't allow turn and pass. It's other function was that of getting them warmed up and thinking.

A switch of play followed after basketball served its purpose. Coach Julian introduced a passing and receiving drill... focus on body positioning, touch direction and communication (calling for the ball). The boys did a number of the drill before it was incorporated into a game style scenario. Here was where the gears got shifted from park into drive using a standard vehicle analogy. When the correct pass was not initiated, lack of communication or too many touches... push ups, jumping jacks and sit ups was called upon as a motivational factor in getting the body and mind of the boys energized.

Coach Joe added a bit of information from his playing career that if someone doesn't call for the ball it could be that they don't want to receive a pass.

The coaches stopped practice a bit earlier to communicate with the boys. The first question asked who would like to play in Europe ? No surprise in the answer "THEY ALL" said YES !! Coach Julian outlined to them that it is indeed possible. However, there is very hard work involved which incorporates going beyond the normal and being hungry to achieve their goal. He explained to the boys that when they are told to run, do push ups and sit ups it should not be viewed as punishment but as a means of getting physical fitness for game purposes.

He encouraged the boys to be willing to speak with teammates in practice in a positive and productive manner when there's an error. So in games it will be silky smooth. Example was given how conversation should be carried out amongst teammates and eventually it will only make each  player better and the team becomes superior.

He emphasized that purpose of intentions are not only in practice and games but from the moment they get up in the morning to be disciplined enough to follow the instructions at home and school academically also. Coach Julian remarked how fortunate these boys are to have parents who commit wholeheartedly, better playing surfaces, selection of coaches who are qualified not to mention the variety of expensive shoes (cleats) at their disposal.

I continue to encourage the Woodbridge Strikers OPDL 05 Boys that they must not be afraid to admit they want to succeed. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick ; but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life.

⚽ 🥅


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