Firstly let us applaud all the first round participants in the provincial tryouts. For those five boys moving on it's a step closer to their individual and personal achievement. Undoubtedly this harbors well for them, the Woodbridge organization their respective parents and fellow teammates.
The five boys most likely will be overjoyed by the news that they will be continuing on. Honestly it will only become far more difficult in the remaining tryouts. Therefore, their game will have to be elevated beyond last performance. Furthermore, it's in their best interest to continue keeping physically active and if possible in contact with a soccer ball.
To the other six boys who didn't move on be confident in your abilities and if it is any consolation you were a part of the history making eleven. There is never ever the correct or right words to console someone after a setback. I will attempt nevertheless, I have watched you boys all season long in training as well as in games and written about your exploits --- so hurtful as it might be, your talents and skills didn't fail as some folks get nervous and others overly excited in the moment and loosing focus. It's called being a human. I will not attempt to say I know the reason why all eleven were not selected; I can only encourage you all to continue like Nabil Fekir who never made any team until age 16, got cut by Lyon at age 12 saying he should play another sport. Now he's been paid eight (8) million a season by said Lyon.
Congratulations and Continuation goes out to both sets you not only make yourself proud, but you all gave the writer a story by being brave enough to compete against a hundred and eleven other players just as talented. Take away the positive from the experience and incorporate it into your game.
Life is a lesson learned in stages of your development... Francis Paul
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