
Showing posts from December, 2018


Effort, commitment, execution and communication are all attributes that makes for  great players. There's no doubt that our team the Woodbridge Strikers 05 Boys possess all of those qualities. It's therefore a true testament  when some of them are acknowledged on an individual basis as a symbol of their hard work. Momentous as it is for the Woodbridge organization to post such information on their website, its far more significant to the individual's family on their child being selected to participate, thus representing as an ambassador for fellow teammates who will definitely learn and benefit from their experiences. Let me clarify and give justification before I continue using the words, " Hard Work ".  It is not to imply that others who were not selected didn't demonstrate hard work.  It is used in the context of this article as ones willingness to give their all in every situation whilst on the field of play. Tayvin and Tremaine's hard work througho...


Firstly let us applaud all the first round participants in the provincial tryouts. For those five boys moving on it's a step closer to their individual and personal achievement. Undoubtedly this harbors well for them, the Woodbridge organization their respective parents and fellow teammates. The five boys most likely will be overjoyed by the news that they will be continuing on. Honestly it will only become far more difficult in the remaining tryouts. Therefore, their game will have to be elevated beyond last performance. Furthermore, it's in their best interest to continue keeping physically active and if possible in contact with a soccer ball. To the other six boys who didn't move on be confident in your abilities and if it is any consolation you were a part of the history making eleven. There is never ever the correct or right words to console someone after a setback. I will attempt nevertheless, I have watched you boys all season long in training as well as in games a...


I hope by now everyone who attended the tournament is safe in the confines of their personal dwelling place. I cannot relate on the flight path, but the road travel was accompanied by rain and fog with dead carcasses adding a different picture to the scenery. After a game or after a tournament each individual parent will have a different view of the event. Ironically the very position that you observe the game from can give you a different perspective on the outcome.  For this tournament I purposefully observed from an isolated position not to be influenced by other voices except for my own pair of eyes. I had a huge discrepancy with my wife on how the games were played. I used the prism and light being pass through to illustrate my point, that it depends on where you stand depending on the colors seen. Now after all that mumbo-jumbo let me give my commentary on the games played. There is no doubt that Woodbridge Strikers didn't lose a game... that is obvious. W...