Coach Joe gathered all the parents that were present because he wanted to share some information. It was relating to the outcome of the assessment carried out by the OSA representative done on June 14th practice session and June 16th match game. Coach Joe started off by asking if we remembered seeing the representative at the practice and seated beside the bench on game day. Then he stated that the boys were being evaluated and the coaches assess. I will not use the cliche, they passed with flying colors. Instead I will quote coach Joe, " The observer, who was doing the assessment said that never before had he seen anyone gotten a deserving one hundred percent, until now." By then Head coach Chris Shelton had entered the gathering and was basking in the achievement, yet looking very humble. To reiterate coach Joe's sentiments that the Woodbridge Strikers OPDL U13 boys are lead by a coach who is dedicated, a visionary as well as being passionate about the sport plus ...