Is There Truth In The Myth
If we're all truthful and outspoken enough, then we can agree that the information being circulated as it pertains to the OPDL only benefits some people. Dissecting and analyzing of what was truth and myth has proven to be more difficult without documented fact from someone directly related to said organization. So after careful consideration, the most reasonable course of action was taken and I contacted the manager of Ontario Soccer Association as to how truth verses myth could be separated. Robyn McMomb's conversation lead me in the direction of Mr. Bryan Rosenfeld, Senior Manager of high performance OSA, who further connected me with Ben Rycroft, Media and Communications Manager. The contents of this blog will be directly quoted from the email exchange, as well as my personal interpretation of a phone conversation. Some of the concerns that were addressed: - Coaching in high schools - Conditions of fields - Officiating by referees - The reasoning behin...